

Whitman, Walt

  1. A nineteenth-century American poet. His principal work is Leaves of Grass, a collection of poems that celebrates nature, democracy , and individualism.

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The earthiness of Whitman's poetry shocked many readers of his time.

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Example Sentences

At his side, volunteering to help the wounded, is the poet laureate of the American Civil War himself, Walt Whitman.

In 1855, when Walt Whitman wanted to rejoice in his body beautiful, he wrote “Song of Myself.”

Oscar Wilde spent a year in the U.S. and met the likes of Walt Whitman and Henry James.

This flies against an American tradition of radical autonomy, one that dates, if not to Roger Williams, at least to Walt Whitman.

And for testimony to all (and for good measure) I here with pen and ink append my name: Walt Whitman.

How unlike Walt Whitman watching the slumber of another fugitive, with one hand on his trusty rifle!

Of course, friend N. joined them, and took his pull and paid his round, like a Walt Whitman.

When I think of that, my food, as Walt Whitman says, nourishes me more.

If Walt Whitman ever wrote anything like this, he ought to be made to read it.



